Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oatmeal Cranberry Pecan Cookies

Oatmeal Cranberry Pecan Cookies

Yesterday, I promised you another oatmeal cookie variation.  I used the same dough as the recipe for these Oatmeal Creme Pies.  Adding dried cranberries and chopped pecans to the base cookie dough turned these into my favorite oatmeal cookie of all time.  Simply fold the cranberries and pecans into the dough - as much as you think looks good to you - drop onto a Silpat-lined cookie sheet (a cookie scoop works nicely) and bake at 350 degrees F until they are golden brown and fragrant, about 10 minutes. For the master dough recipe, click here.


  1. You forgot the link to the master dough... Yikes.

  2. At the bottom, where it says "click here" it should take you to the recipe for oatmeal creme pies. This is the master recipe, just add the fruit and nuts and omit the filling. Sorry if that was confusing. The link should work.



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